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How to Keep the Love Alive After 50 [ 5 Romantic Tips]


How to Keep the Love Alive After 50 : As we age, love and sex are more vital than ever. True, those hormones are ever-changing, and also the aroused, toe-tingling love of our twenties and thirties doesn’t tidal-wave USA away love it used to.keeping love alive in a relationship  is in your hand how you react with your partner .

But guess what? The love is there, and it’s calling out to be nurtured — to be customized for you and your partner. there’s no end date to great love and great sex. they go on forever. If you’ve thrown out the goods, so to talk, reclaim them immediately. Doing so can change your life. this the only way you can  keep romance alive in your marriage.


You know the excuses: It’s been months. It’s gotten so mechanical. Work keeps Maine up late. Between hard to please teenagers and older folks, I’m thus exhausted I will hardly fix dinner, to not mention have a clothes-flinging romp within the back space.On a a lot of serious level, maybe it hurts, otherwise you can’t reach coming. let’s talk about 5 Romantic tips to keep the love alive after 50

How to Keep the Love Alive After 50 [ 5 Romantic Tips]

1. Listen and Tune In to Your Partner

Give your loved one your full attention. This builds respect and makes your partner feel significant and cherished. It’s so easy to text your sister or browse a favorite shopping site while your partner is talking about a work challenge or a troubling conversation with a friend. Drop everything and make eye contact. Give a thoughtful response. That’s sexy.

2. Try To Do Something New Together

It doesn’t have to be a trip to Roam (but put that on your list!). Take a road trip. Cook dinner together once a week, trying a new recipe each time. Try one another’s hobbies. Plan a date night and stick to it. Look forward to that time and cherish it. (No mobile phones allowed.) Arthur Aron, PhD, a social psychologist at the State University of New York in Stonybrook, has spent a lifetime studying relationships and says that trying something new can recreate the early courtship butterflies.

3. Hug, Kiss, and Cuddle Every Day

how to keep love after 50

The benefits of the hug  are hailed by researchers around the world. This powerful action is believed to release oxytocin, which increases hormones that make you feel happy and calm, notes psychologist Tiffany Field, PhD, who directs the Touch Institute at the University of Miami.Called the bonding hormone, oxytocin strengthens connections between you and your loved one. So put your arms around each other. Kiss. Listen to your heartbeats. Trace one another’s faces and tell each other what you love most about those special features. Touch deepens connection,says psychologist Matt Hertenstein, PhD, of DePauw University’s Touch and Emotion Lab in Greencastle, Indiana.

4. Smile Together, Especially Before Sex

Muscles relax for up to 45 minutes after a good chuckle, setting the stage for relaxed sex.Laughing also prompts the brain to release endorphins that flood your system and leave you feeling happy. Connecting with another human being through laughter signals playfulness and ignites passion.

5. Massage to Reconnect

there is a deep connection found in massage , and that the person giving the massage receives as much benefit as the person being massaged. This skin-to-skin contact will lead to deeper, more intimate touching that works for both of you

i hope this 5 romantic tips will help you to keep love alive after 5o 🙂 

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